Monday, April 27, 2009

homemade ice cream

My family is BIG on homemade ice cream. Every single hot holiday we break out the ice cream maker, and let it churn..... and of course, we eat Mayonnaise cake on the side. :) We make banana ice cream, butterfinger ice cream, strawberry ice cream... on & on the list goes. Here is the basic recipe, and you add flavors as you like (just close your eyes at some of the ingredients... I have to!).........

2 quarts half & half
6 eggs
2 c sugar
milk (to fill to the rim... you may not need it though)
a little touch of vanilla
Mix all together in blender, then add to ice cream maker. From there, freeze according to the directions from your ice cream maker (use ice cream salt, ice, etc).
Now, if you want to make banana ice cream, I used 6 bananas that needed to be used, and FAST! I froze my bananas for an hour first (take skin off!), then placed 3 bananas, 1 cup sugar, 1 quart half & half in the blender, pour it in the container, then do another round in the blender w/ the remaining ingredients.
If you want to make butterfinger ice cream, chop up 6 big butterfinger bars, and decrease your sugar to 1 3/4 cup.

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